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Pachira Aquatica is a tropical plant commonly known as the Money Tree or Malabar Chestnut.

It has a braided trunk and large, glossy green leaves that resemble a hand with five fingers. The plant can grow up to 2-3 meters (6-10 feet) tall in its natural habitat but typically grows to about 1 meter (3 feet) tall indoors.

Pachira Aquatica produces small white flowers that eventually develop into edible nuts.


Care Instructions:

  • Pachira Aquatica prefers bright, indirect light but can also tolerate some shade.
  • It grows best in well-draining soil that is kept consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Water the plant when the top 2-3 cm (1 inch) of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Pachira Aquatica prefers temperatures between 18-27°C (65-80°F) and high humidity levels.
  • It should be fertilized every 2-4 weeks during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.
  • The plant should be pruned regularly to maintain its shape and to remove any dead or yellowing leaves.
  • Pachira Aquatica is generally pest and disease resistant but can occasionally be affected by spider mites or mealybugs.



  • Pachira Aquatica can be propagated by stem cuttings or air layering.
  • Take a 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) cutting from a healthy stem, remove the lower leaves, and place the cutting in moist potting soil.
  • Keep the soil moist and provide bright, indirect light until the cutting has established roots.
  • Alternatively, you can air layer a stem by making a small cut in the bark and wrapping it with moist sphagnum moss. Roots will develop where the moss is in contact with the stem.

9 cm pot size

35 cm high

Pachira aquatica 9cm

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